گالریِ هنرِ امروز از اواخرِ سالِ 1393 فعالیتِ خود را آغاز کرده و در همین زمانِ کوتاه توانسته با نگاهِ مثبتِ فرهنگی و حمایتِ صادقانهیِ خود از اهالیِ تجسمی، چشماندازی تازه و امیدبخش برایِ هنرمندانِ تجسمی در فضایِ غبارآلودِ اینروزهایِ محیطهایِ تجسمی ایجاد کند. امیدواریم مدیریتِ این گالری با تلاشهایِ مثبت و روزافزونِشان برایِ حفظِ این افقِ دید، از حمایتِ همهجانبهیِ پشتوانههایِ فرهنگ و هنرِ ایران برخوردار شوند تا بتوانند مسیری تازه برایِ هنرمندانِ تجسمی باز کنند. (شادی آفریدهگان-تحریریهیِ هنرگردی)
واژهیِ فرکتال بهمعنیِ سنگیست که بهشکلِ نامنظم شکسته شده باشد.
این واژه در سال 1976 توسطِ ریاضیدانِ فرانسوی بهنامِ بنوئیت مندلبرات واردِ دنیایِ ریاضیات شد، مندلبرات با تحقیق پیرامونِ طولِ سواحلِ انگلیس بهاین نتیجه رسید که هرگاه با مقیاسِ بزرگ این طول اندازه گرفته شود کمتر از زمانی است که مقیاس کوچکتر باشد. او اعلام کرد که ابرها به صورتِ کُره نیستند، کوهها همانندِ مخروط نمیباشند و سواحلِ دریا دایره شکل نیستند، پوستِ درختان صاف نیست و صاعقه بهصورتِ خطِ مستقیم حرکت نمیکند. بنابراین هندسه نااقلیدسی – الگوریتم – حجمهایِ کاملِ اصلی، بهترین نشان دهندهیِ عناصِر طبیعی نبوده و با آنها در تضادند و این بینظمی را در مقیاسهایِ کوچک هم ایجاد خواهند کرد که این از خصوصیاتِ اصلی فرکتال است.
در تمام دورههایِ تاریخِ هنر و در فرهنگهایِ مختلف شاهدِ خلقِ آثاری با ساختارهایِ متنوعِ فرکتال هستیم .آثاری چون مقرنسهایِ ایرانی و معماریِ زیرِ گنبدِ مسجدِ امامِ اصفهان، نقوشِ اسلیمی و ختایی، گرههای هندسی و آثارِ موجود در هنرهایِ بومی مانند هنرِ افریقا و در آثارِ هنرمندانِ مدرنی چون جکسون پالاک و لاری پونز.
سالِ گذشته با آثارِ نقاشیِ فرکتالِ هنرمندی بهنامِ مهرداد گروسی مواجه شدم که با ترکیبِ کدنویسی و فضایِ سهبُعدی دست بهخلقِ آثارِ فرکتالی میزند که تصاویرِ خارقالعادهای از فضا، نور، رنگ و احساس را ایجاد میکند ، فضاهایی که انسان را به درونِ خود فرو برده و به کشف و شهود وادار میکند. فرمها و حرکت بهسویِ تکاملِ آنها، تکثیر، پراکندهگی و بازگشتهایِ غیرِمنتظرهشان و بازیهایِ متنوع و حجم و نورها که درعینِ تکرار، تنوعطلبیِ چشمِ بیننده را جوابگو هستند، دقایقی طولانی مخاطب را در مقابلِ اثر به تماشا وامیدارد. احجامی که درعینِ حرکت پویا و تو در تو، درفضایِ تابلو محصور شدهاند.
مهرداد گروسی که در سالِ 1363 در همدان متولد شده است، ازده سالهگی مشغولِ نقاشی با مدیومهایِ سنتی بوده و از سالِ 1386 مشغول بهفعالیت در زمینهیِ فرکتالآرت دوبُعدی گردیده، او از سالِ 1388 آغاز بهفعالیت در زمینهیِ فرکتالآرت سهبُعدی نموده و موردِ توجهِ بسیاری از مراکز و محققین قرار گرفته که در پایانِ متن بهعنوانِ بیوگرافیِ کاریِ هنرمند به آنها اشاره خواهد شد.
در این مسیر گالریِ هنرِ امروز که حامی و مشوقِ هنرمندانِ نوگرا و جوان ایرانی، بهخصوص هنرمندانِ عرصهیِ دیجیتال میباشد، اقدام به برگزاریِ نمایشگاهی از آخرین آثارِ این هنرمند نموده است. این نمایشگاه که از تاریخِ 8/3/1394 الی 20/3/1394 در محلِ گالری برپاست، مجموعهای از آثارِ فرمالیستی و فرکتالِ این هنرمند است که بر پایهیِ برنامهنویسیِ رایانهای خلق شدهاند.
امید است دیگر هنرمندانی که در فضایِ دیجیتال فعالیت میکنند همچون مهرداد گروسی با کشفِ ارزشهایِ تصویریِ بدیع و خلاقانه در آثارِ خود، اقدام به ایجادِ فضایی نوگرا در هنرهایِ تجسمیِ ایرانِ عزیزِمان نمایند.
آزاده سیدآقایی، مدیرِ گالریِ هنرِ امروز
توضیحِ هنرگردی: گالریِ هنرِ امروز در آدرسِ تهران. خیابان میرداماد (مسیرِ غرب به شرق، پیشاز شریعتی) رودبارِ شرقی. جنبِ کوچهیِ لشگرک. پلاکِ 19. طبقه 3. واقع شده است.
[1] FILE 2015- Electronic Language International Festival, June 15th- July 15th, 2015, São Paulo,
[2] CroArtScia2015 (Technological Innovations: Art & Science), 27-30 May, 2015, Zagreb, Croatia.
[3] Exhibition of Mathematical Art (2015 Joint Mathematics Meetings), January 10-13, 2015,
American Mathematical Society – Mathematical Association of America, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
[4] Alien Inside, ART, Ars GEometrica Gallery (Science and Education Gallery), October 7-
November 7, 2014, Eszterházy Károly College, Eger, Humgary.
[5] 2014 Bridges Exhibition of Mathematical Art (2014 Bridges Conference on Mathematical
Connections in Art, Music and Science) August 14-19, 2014 , Seoul, Korea.
[6] Exhibition of Mathematical Art (2014 Joint Mathematics Meetings), January 15-18, 2014,
American Mathematical Society – Mathematical Association of America, Baltimore, MD, USA.
[7] 2013 One-Night Film Fest, Bridges Conference (2013 Bridges Conference on Mathematical
Connections in Art, Music and Science) July 27-31, 2013 , Enschede, the Netherlands.
[8] 2013 Bridges Exhibition of Mathematical Art (2013 Bridges Conference on Mathematical
Connections in Art, Music and Science) July 27-31, 2013 , Enschede, the Netherlands.
[9] Exhibition of Mathematical Art (2013 Joint Mathematics Meetings), January 9-12, 2013,
American Mathematical Society – Mathematical Association of America, San Diego, CA, USA.
[10] GA2012 (15th Generative Art Conference), 11-13 December 2012, Lucca, Italy.
[11] 2012 One-Night Film Fest, Bridges Conference (2012 Bridges Conference on Mathematical
Connections in Art, Music and Science) July 25-29, 2012 , Towson University, Maryland, USA.
[12] 2012 Bridges Exhibition of Mathematical Art (2012 Bridges Conference on Mathematical
Connections in Art, Music and Science) July 25-29, 2012 , Towson University, Maryland, USA.
[13] SMI 2012 (Shape Modeling International 2012), May 22-25 2012, College Station, Texas, USA,
[14] Exhibition of Mathematical Art (2012 Joint Mathematics Meetings), January 4-7, 2012,
American Mathematical Society – Mathematical Association of America, Boston, MA, USA.
[15] GA2011 (14th Generative Art Conference), 5-7 December 2011, Roma, Italy.
[16] 2011 Bridges Exhibition of Mathematical Art (2011 Bridges Conference on Mathematical
Connections in Art, Music and Science), July 27-31, 2011, the University of Coimbra, Portugal.
[17] 2011 One-Night Film Fest, Bridges Conference (2011 Bridges Conference on Mathematical
Connections in Art, Music and Science), July 30, 2011, the University of Coimbra, Portugal.
[18] Group Digital Painting Exhibition, April 22 – May 1, 2011, Siin Gallery, Tehran, Iran.
[19] VRIC 2011 (Virtual Reality International Conference), April 6-10, 2011, Laval, France.
[20] Exhibition of Mathematical Art (2011 Joint Mathematics Meetings), January 6-9, 2011,
American Mathematical Society – Mathematical Association of America, New Orleans, USA.
[21] GA2010 (13th Generative Art Conference), 15, 16, 17 December, 2010, Politecnico di Milano
University, Milan, Italy.
[22] Mathematical Art Exhibit, The 1065th AMS Meeting, November 6-7, 2010, University of
Richmond, Virginia.
[23] SIAF Symposium 2010 (Sydney International Animation Festival Symposium), 24 September,
University of Technology, Sydney, Australia.
[24] 2010 Bridges Exhibition of Mathematical Art (2010 Bridges Conference on Mathematical
Connections in Art, Music and Science), July 24-29, 2010, Pécs, Hungary.
[25] 2010 One-Night Film Fest, Bridges Conference (2010 Bridges Conference on Mathematical
Connections in Art, Music and Science), July 24, 2010, Pécs, Hungary.
[26] The International ScienTile Exhibition, Bridges Conference (2010 Bridges Conference on
Mathematical Connections in Art, Music and Science) & Zsolnay Porcelain Manufactory, July 24-29,
2010, Zsolnay Cultural Center, Pécs, Hungary.
[27] ISAMA 2010 Art Exhibit (the Eighth Interdisciplinary Conference of the International Society of
the Arts, Mathematics, and Architecture), June 21-25, 2010, Depaul University, Chicago, Illinois,
[28] 2010 CAe (Computational Aesthetics), June 14 – 15th, 2010, London Office of the British
Computer Society, London, UK.
[29] Exhibition of Mathematical Art (2010 Joint Mathematics Meetings), January 13-16, 2010,
American Mathematical Society – Mathematical Association of America, San Francisco, USA.
[30] GA2009 (12th Generative Art Conference), 15, 16, 17 December, 2009, Politecnico di Milano
University, Milan, Italy.
[31] Planetesimal Formation workshop (poster presentation), September 28-30, 2009, Isaac Newton
Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, England.
[32] 2009 Bridges Exhibition of Mathematical Art (2009 Bridges Conference on Mathematical
Connections in Art, Music and Science), July 26-29, 2009, Banff International Research Station, The
Banff Centre, Banff, Alberta, Canada.
[33] 2009 CAe (Computational Aesthetics), May 28-30, 2009, University of Victoria, Victoria,
[34] Exhibition of Mathematical Art (2009 Joint Mathematics Meetings), January 5-8, 2009,
American Mathematical Society – Mathematical Association of America, Washington, D.C, USA.
[35] GA2008 (11th Generative Art Conference), 15, 16, 17 and 18 December, 2008, Politecnico di
Milano University, Milan, Italy.
[36] 2008 Bridges Exhibition of Mathematical Art (2008 Bridges Conference on Mathematical
Connections in Art, Music and Science), July 24-28, 2008, Stenden University, Leeuwarden, the
[37] “Silence” Solo Painting Exhibition, Hamadan, Iran.
Conference Articles
[1] A Digital Tribute to M.C. Escher, Mehrdad Garousi, Amir Gholami, Bridges 2013 (2013 Bridges
Conference on Mathematical Connections in Art, Music and Science) July 27-31, 2013, Enschede, the
[2] Fractal Geometry and Persian Carpet, Mehrdad Garousi, seyed Mahmood Moeini, Bridges 2012
(2012 Bridges Conference on Mathematical Connections in Art, Music and Science) July 25-29, 2012
, Towson University, Maryland, USA.
[3] SculptGen and Animation, Mehrdad Garousi, ISAMA 2012 , June 18–22, DePaul University and
the Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, USA.
[4] Contemporary Tilings, Mehrdad Garousi, seyed Mahmood Moeini, ISAMA 2012 , June 18–22,
DePaul University and the Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, USA.
[5] Wonders of Seven in Domes: Islam and Christianity, Amir Salimi, Seyed Mahmood Moeini,
Mehdi Damaliamiri, Mehrdad Garousi, Domes In the World (International Scientific Congress), 19 –
23 March 2012, Florence, Italy.
[6] A Virtual Installation of Sierpinski Triangle, Mehrdad Garousi, Hamed Akbari, 2011 Bridges
(2011 Bridges Conference on Mathematical Connections in Art, Music and Science), July 27-31,
2011, the University of Coimbra, Portugal.
[7] Mathematical Art and Surfer, Mehrdad Garousi, ISAMA 2011 (the Eighth Interdisciplinary
Conference of the International Society of the Arts, Mathematics, and Architecture), June 13-17,
2011, Columbia College, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
[8] Sierpinski World, Mehrdad Garousi, ISAMA 2011 (the Eighth Interdisciplinary Conference of the
International Society of the Arts, Mathematics, and Architecture), June 13-17, 2011, Columbia
College, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
[9] Fractal Geometry and Information Management, Mehrdad Garousi, Mehdi Garousi, Hamid Reza
Dezfoulian, ECEC 2011 (European Concurrent Engineering Conf.), April 18-20, 2011, British Inst. of
Technology & Ecommerce, London, UK.
[10] Experience of Infinity, Mehrdad Garousi, Mehdi, Damali Amiri, Hamed Akbari, VRIC 2011
(Virtual Reality International Conference), 6-8 April, 2011, Laval, France.
[11] Incendia and Fractal Architecture, Mehrdad Garousi, Hamed Akbari, Mehdi Damali Amiri,
Firouzeh Akbari, GA2010 (13th Generative Art Conference), 15, 16, 17 December, 2010, Politecnico
di Milano University, Milan, Italy.
[12] Constructing Sierpinski Triangle with Rings, Mehrdad Garousi, Hamid Reza Dezfoolian, 2010
Bridges (2010 Bridges Conference on Mathematical Connections in Art, Music and Science), July 24
– 29, 2010, Pécs, Hungary.
[13] Mathematical Trays, Mehrdad Garousi, Saied Haghighi, ISAMA 2010 (the Eighth
Interdisciplinary Conference of the International Society of the Arts, Mathematics, and Architecture),
June 21-25, 2010, Depaul University, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
[14] Mathematics and Postmodernism, Mehrdad Garousi, Saied Haghighi, ISAMA 2010 (the Eighth
Interdisciplinary Conference of the International Society of the Arts, Mathematics, and Architecture),
June 21-25, 2010, Depaul University, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
[15] Fractality and Generative Thought, Hatam Abdoli, Mehdi Damali Amiri, Mehrdad Garousi,
GA2009 (12th Generative Art Conference), 15, 16, 17 December, 2009, Politecnico di Milano
University, Milan, Italy.
[16] Realistic Image Making with Mandelbrot Set, Mehrdad Garousi, Khalil Taleslami, 2009 Bridges
(2009 Bridges Conference on Mathematical Connections in Art, Music and Science), July 26-29,
2009, Banff International Research Station, Alberta, Canada.
[17] Fractal Tessellation, Mehrdad Garousi, ISAMA 2009 (the Eighth Interdisciplinary Conference of
the International Society of the Arts, Mathematics, and Architecture), June 22-25, 2009, University at
Albany, New York, USA.
[18] Aesthetics in Fractal Image Making, Mehrdad Garousi, Saheb Mohamadian Mansoor, ISAMA
2009 (the Eighth Interdisciplinary Conference of the International Society of the Arts, Mathematics,
and Architecture), June 22-25, 2009, University at Albany, New York, USA.
[19] Dancing Flowers, Mehrdad Garousi, 2009 CAe (Computational Aesthetics), (Description and
artwork), May 28-30, 2009, University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada.
[20] Educational Aspects of Video Games, Mehrdad Garousi, 2nd National Festival on Digital Media,
October 22-31, 2008, Imam Mosalla, Tehran, Iran.
Journal Articles
[1] 3D Fractals: a Window to Psychedelism, Mehrdad Garousi, Experince-Centered Approach and
Visuality in the Education of Mathematics and Physics, p. 114, 2012 (ISBN 978-963-9821-52-1).
[2] The Postmodern Beauty of Fractals, Mehrdad Garousi, Leonardo Journal, Vol. 45, No. 1, pp. 26-
32, 2012 (ISSN 0024-094X).
[3] Fractal Art and Postmodern Society, Mehrdad Garousi, Masoud Kowsari, Journal of Visual Art
Practice, Vol. 10, No. 3,pp. 215-229, 2011 (ISSN 1470-2029).
[4] Fractals and the Second life, Mehrdad Garousi, Metaverse Creativity, Volume 1 Issue 2, pp. 147-
163, 2011 (ISSN: 2040-3550).
[5] A Mandelbrot Sunset, Mehrdad Garousi, Math Horizons, pp. 5-7, February 2011 (ISSN: 1072-
[6] Parallels in Fractal Image Making, Mehdi Damali Amiri, Mehrdad Garousi, Amir Salimi,
Symmetry: Culture and Science, Vol. 21, No. 4, 2010 (ISSN 0865-4824).
[7] Dissymmetry, Antisymmetry, Asymmetry and Quasicrystals in Islamic Architecture, Mehrdad
Garousi, Saeid Alitajer, Amir Salimi, Mehdi Damali Amiri, Symmetry: Culture and Science, Vol. 21,
No. 4, 2010 (ISSN 0865-4824).
[8] TopMod and Creativity, Mehrdad Garousi, HYPERSEEING, fall 2009.
[9] The Dome, Mehrdad Garousi, MAA FOCUS, Volume 28, Issue 9, On the cover and p.13,
December 2008 (ISSN: 0731-2040).
[10] Math and the Arts: Uncommon Ground, Math Horizons, Anne Burns, Mehrdad Garousi, Volume
16, p.16, December 2008 (ISSN: 1072-4117).
[11] Spiritual Pentagons, Mehrdad Garousi, HYPERSEEING, Nov-Dec 2008.
[12] Representation of Representations, Mehrdad Garousi, Ayene-Ye Khial, Volume 11, pp.44-49,
December 2008 (ISSN: 1735-9864).
[13] Fractal Art, Mehrdad Garousi, Ayene-Ye Khial, Volume 9, pp.20-30, August 2008 (ISSN: 1735-
[14] Four Arts of the Chinese Scholar, Mehrdad Garousi, Honarhay-e-Tajassomi, Volume 25, pp.24-
29, March 2007 (ISSN: 1029-5836).
Awarded the Second Degree of Artistry (honorary Master of Fine Arts degree) from the Ministry of
Culture and Islamic Guidance of Iran.
Second place, Surfer Imaginary Picture Competition, March 2010, Isaac Newton Institute for
Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, UK.
Second place, Paris Surfer Competition (CNRS, Institut mathématique de Jussieu), November &
December 2010, Paris, France.
Third place, Zurich Surfer Image Contest (The ETH Zurich and Tagesanzeiger.ch News network
together with the Mathematical Research Institute Oberwolfach), September & October 2010, Zurich,
Other Activities and Case Studies
Lecture at Software Art Meeting, Farhangestan Honar , Tehran, November 19, 2013.
Lecture at Art University of Isfahan, Faculty of Religions’ and civilizations’ Art, Isfahan, December
28, 2011.
Session on Fractal Art, Hoze-ye Honari (Artistic Center of Iran), Tehran, July 27, 2009.
Lecture on Unity and Mathematics, Bu-Ali Sina University, Department of Mathematics, Hamadan,
May 18, 2009.
Case study of educational aspects of 100 video games, University of Tehran, Faculty of Social
Sciences, 2008-2009.
Providing an electronic architectural information bank for ancient monuments of Hamadan, Hoze-ye
Honari (Artistic Center of Iran), Hamadan, 2007.
Art of world revolutions, Hoze-ye Honari (Artistic Center of Iran), Tehran, 2006.
Editor-in-chief, Hanoon Art Magazine, Hoze-ye Honari (Artistic Center of Iran), Hamadan, 2005.
Participating in several group painting exhibitions in Iran.